New Star Wars manga ties together two different eras

The High Republic meet sequel trilogy
Star Wars: The Last Jedi..Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)..Photo: John Wilson..©2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi..Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)..Photo: John Wilson..©2017 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. |

It was announced that a new Star Wars manga is coming soon, tying together two very different eras in the timeline. Exclusively from ScreenRant, Star Wars: Path of the Lightsaber arrives later this year.

Creative Director of Lucasfilm Publishing Michael Siglain confirmed on his Bluesky account that we will get more information about this title at Star Wars Celebration Japan in April. What we know from ScreenRant is Path of the Lightsaber will follow the story of a young person named Nioka who is a tinkerer wishing to follow in the footsteps of Luke Skywalker. While looking into some ruins from the High Republic era, Nioka discovers an ancient lightsaber, putting her on the path to learn how to wield it as unsavory sorts hunt her.

While Luke Skywalker is name checked in the press release, I do wonder if we'll see a tie in to another sequel trilogy series. Star Wars Resistance covered some similar ground in the Season 2 episode "The Relic Raiders." Kazuda Xiono and his friends uncover a Sith temple and team up with archeologist Mika Grey to protect an ancient relic from the First Order. This group of baddies specifically seek out Force items for their nefarious purposes. It makes me wonder if this is the same group that's after Nioka.

As someone who grew up and still loves anime and manga, I adore whenever Star Wars crosses into these mediums. The High Republic tie-in is nice, as they have released multiple manga volumes throughout the multimedia project. I'm interested to see how the sequel era will tie back into the High Republic and vice versa. While The Force Awakens turns 10 this year, it's still a relatively new time period, with the High Republic being even newer than that. With the world of comic books moving into the sequels' period and the High Republic coming to its planned close this year, stories filling in these gaps are very welcomed.

For now, we'll have to wait until Star Wars Celebration to get more information about Star Wars: Path of the Lightsaber. You can hop over to ScreenRant to see the full cover reveal of the upcoming manga which will be out this fall.