5 things we need to see in The Bad Batch series finale

The Bad Batch is ending this week, and there are some things we need to see before the show ends.
Omega in a scene from "STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH", season 3 exclusively on Disney+. © 2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.
Omega in a scene from "STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH", season 3 exclusively on Disney+. © 2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.

Having followed The Bad Batch since season one, as the series finale is this week, I have a handful of things I want to see before we close the final chapter of this show.

1. Cid gets her karma

Cid is that shady underworld character who's done more harm than good for Clone Force 99. She's ratted them out, revealed their location, and caused them all sorts of trouble. She's been selfish and a coward from the start. For a few credits, she'll send anyone to their death. We don't know yet how long the finale is, but I hope there will be enough time to deal with her, and she ends up regretting every time she wronged the Batch.

2. Free the Zillo Beast

Star Wars hasn't been too kind to animals and wildlife in general. The saddest example of this is the Zillo Beast. The creature has been abused, and The Clone Wars arc about the Zillo Beast left me a bit traumatized. It's one I'll never watch again. However, the Zillo Beast being held captive at Mount Tantiss is a clone of the one from The Clone Wars. These creatures have been treated terribly by the Empire. It's time they got their revenge on all of them, starting with Dr. Royce Hemlock. I'll have my popcorn ready for the Revenge of the Zillo Beast!

3. Revelation of all of Tantiss' secrets

It's time that the torture that Crosshair refuses to talk about comes out into the open. Terrible things must've been done to all the clones there, including Crosshair, but the finale has to reveal what they were. Apart from that, Tantiss should be destroyed, and news of its destruction should spread in parts of the galaxy, while murmurs of the atrocities that took place there should be its lasting legacy.

4. The Return of Asajj Ventress

I hope Asajj Ventress returns in the finale and that she and Omega get to talk about the latter's plans. Does Omega wish to be trained by Ventress? She hasn't had the opportunity to think about it, but maybe she will in the finale.

5. Tech coming back from the dead

At this point, anyone who still believes that Tech is alive is, well, slightly delusional. I'm among that delusional group of fans who believe Tech will be back and all members of Clone Force 99 will be reunited in the finale. Besides, we never got to see Tech and Phee spend any more time together. I don't care if anyone disagrees, but I'll celebrate Tech's return, no matter how illogical it seems.

The Bad Batch's season finale will stream this Wednesday on Disney+.