Revenge of the Sith turns 20: Reliving the 5 most emotional moments

As Episode III - Revenge of the Sith turns 20, we look back at its most poignant moments.
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Owen Lars. Beru Lars. Image Credit:
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Owen Lars. Beru Lars. Image Credit:

2025 is a big year for prequel trilogy fans as Episode III: Revenge of the Sith turns 20 in May. The film greatly impacted the franchise, and it's one of the most important pieces of Star Wars media. From happy announcements to Order 66, the movie is packed with powerhouse scenes.

Here are the 5 most emotional moments from Revenge of the Sith.

1. Padme reveals she's pregnant

The revelation of Padme's pregnancy is pivotal to the plot, as the knowledge of her condition drives Anakin throughout the movie. However, looking back on this scene now makes it seem much bigger. It's an emotional nod to what's coming in the next three films and the first time Luke and Leia are acknowledged in the prequels. It is also the closest Anakin gets to holding his children in his arms.

This scene also tells us that despite becoming Darth Vader later on, Anakin didn't intend to be a deadbeat dad. He was excited to be a father. Had his fate been different, he could've been a good one. Overall, this is one of the rare moments in Revenge of the Sith when Anakin and Padme are happy. This scene proves that it only takes two minutes of good writing to create an emotional scene that remains etched in our memories forever.

2. You're breaking my heart!

Some of the most memed scenes from Revenge of the Sith are also its most emotional ones. The scene where Padme tells Anakin he's "Going down a path I can't follow" shows how far gone Anakin is. His wife can't recognize him anymore, and he's so blinded by rage against the Jedi that the mere sight of Obi-Wan standing behind Padme is enough for him to push her away, despite how much they love each other.

Anakin joined the dark side to save Padme, so it's ironic when he's unable to see her love and concern. Padme's heartbreak over how far gone Anakin is haunting, especially as we know she doesn't have much longer to live. These are her final interactions with her husband. This scene has another layer to it when we realize that Anakin is fuming at the sight of Obi-Wan, a man he once considered the closest thing he had to a father.

3. Padme delivers the twins and dies

The finale of Revenge of the Sith is heavy because every scene is emotionally packed. Over the years, Padme's death has been analyzed by everyone, and even now, people can't seem to agree on why she died. An emotionally shattered Padme delivers the babies, names them, and gives them a final look before she tells Obi-Wan there's still good in Anakin. Soon after, she dies, leaving a visibly devastated Obi-Wan with a crying baby in his arms.

It's mostly a tragic scene, with tiny glimmers of hope in the shape of the two newborns and Anakin's shattered former Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who's also having the worst day of his life.

4. Obi-Wan and Anakin part as best friends for the last time

For the last time, until they reunited in the afterlife, Obi-Wan and Anakin parted as good friends on good terms. After Anakin admitted his faults and thanked Obi-Wan for his training, Obi-Wan warmly appreciated his former Padawan for becoming a wise and greater Jedi than him.

With these words of support and appreciation exchanged, the two best friends and brothers said goodbye. The Revenge of the Sith novelization adds further depth to this scene, explaining Anakin's anxiety at the thought of Obi-Wan going to Utapau to face General Grievous alone. His heart had been in the right place, but those final words, 'Goodbye, old friend,' marked a turning point. The next time they met, they would be enemies, making these final moments of friendship even more emotionally devastating.

5. "You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you!"

Ewan McGregor's passionate performance in this scene makes us wonder if the fallout between Obi-Wan and Anakin was an even greater tragedy than Anakin and Padmé's star-crossed love. After his body burst into flames, Anakin's blood curdling "I hate you!" reduced Obi-Wan to tears, as the heartbroken Jedi Master replies, "You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."

The use of past tense is significant as it sheds light on Obi-Wan's trauma, something Obi-Wan Kenobi would explore years later in his titular series. The only way he can make sense of Anakin's fall is to convince himself that Anakin is dead. Ewan McGregor's acting steals the show in an emotionally packed and visually jarring scene, as he takes a final look at Anakin before he reaches for his lightsaber and walks away. This is possibly the most raw and well-acted scene in the prequel trilogy.

Honorable mentions

Execute Order 66: Watching the fall of the Jedi is shocking and heartbreaking, but George Lucas deserves endless appreciation for capturing the full-scale emotional devastation of Order 66.

Twin Suns: Although the ending is hopeful, it's difficult to separate the tragic final act of the film from the two literal symbols of hope in Bail and Breha Organa and Owen and Beru Lars' arms. Regardless, the ending is a beautiful reminder, "In time, a new hope will rise."

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith is streaming on Disney+.