Skeleton Crew episode 5 recap: Spas and treachery

This is now a Cthallops stan account
(L-R) Jod Na Nawood (Jude Law) and Neel (Robert Timothy Smith) in Lucasfilm’s STAR WARS: SKELETON CREW, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Image Credit: The Walt Disney Company Getty Images
(L-R) Jod Na Nawood (Jude Law) and Neel (Robert Timothy Smith) in Lucasfilm’s STAR WARS: SKELETON CREW, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Image Credit: The Walt Disney Company Getty Images | The Walt Disney Company Getty Images

This article contains full spoilers for Star Wars: Skeleton Crew episode 5 "You Have A Lot To Learn About Pirates."

Episode 4 of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, "Can't Say I Remember No At Attin," took us to the war-torn world of At Achrann, similar to our young heroes' world of At Attin. Wim, Neel, Fern, and KB, along with the Force user scoundrel, Jod Na Nawood, and their first mate droid, SM-33, went to At Achrann's Fallen Sanctum, their world's version of the Supervisor tower. They found coordinates to other worlds, but when it came to theirs, it was revealed that SM-33 broke the coordinates when he was there previously with his other captain. Before he could kill the children, Neel stood up to the droid long enough for Jod to turn him off. Let's see what happens next in episode 5.

Let's recap everything you missed in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew episode 5, "You Have A Lot To Learn About Pirates."

We open back on At Attin, where Wim's father, Wendle, is at work despite his son missing out in the galaxy. He secretly meets with Neel's mother, Nooma, who he's working with to try to find their kids. Reminder in episode 3 that the Security Droids who work for the mysterious Supervisor refused to look for the kids as it was forbidden to go beyond the Barrier that surrounds their planet. Nooma says that Wendle will have to steal the access code for them to send a message beyond the barrier to try and contact their children.

She gives him a device to break into the system to look for the code. He returns to his work station, where he puts the device in. Nearby, a Security Droid turns to him. Wendle works frantically as the droid gets closer and closer. He takes the device and hides it just as the Security Droid arrives. The droid notices Wendle hiding the device and confiscates it.

It brings him to Undersecretary Fara's office, who is Fern's mom. She orders the droid to delete records of the incident. She's livid that Nooma and Wendle went behind her back as she's trying to handle this through proper channels. Wendle points out that the Supervisor won't help them; they have to find their kids themselves. Finally, she agrees to Wendle's plan.

(L-R): Fara (Kerry Condon), Wendle (Tunde Adebimpe) in Lucasfilm’s STAR WARS: SKELETON CREW, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. Image Credit: The Walt Disney Company Getty Images | The Walt Disney Company Getty Images

Back on the Onyx Cinder, the kids and Jod tie down SM-33 so the droid doesn't try to kill them again. They turn on SM-33, who promises not to follow through with the previous orders from his last captain, Tak Rennod. Jod recognizes the name. He realizes that the ship is the Onyx Cinder: the most infamous pirate ship the galaxy has ever known. Captain Rennod was looking for At Attin when he vanished.

Fern doesn't care about stories. She asks about At Attin, and SM-33 says they're in Rennod's lair at a place called Skull Ridge Mountain. SM-33 breaks free from his ropes to drive them there.

While in hyperspace, the droid wields stories for the kids describing how the ship had crashed landed on At Attin to begin with. The crew had mutinied, and Rennod's last order was to tank the ship on the planet.

Wim leaves the room, and Jod follows him. The young boy is crying because none of these adventures are like his stories. He's scared, missing his parents.

Jod, giving the worst take on Jedi advice ever, says that Wim should just forget all of those attachment things. Who needs parents? Or fear? Not him! Wim can't forget his family, though. Jod tells him that his focus determines his reality and a vision. He tells Wim to make the life he wants to live.

Wim asks how he can use the Force if he's not a Jedi, but Jod doesn't tell.

They arrive at the planet of Lanupa where Skull Ridge Mountain is, but they're not alone. A pleasure yacht moseys by, and they're greeted by two security ships explaining that this is a neutral planet that's peaceful unless people cause trouble. Then they will shoot them down.

Only adults are allowed at the location, so Jod's all excited about this pleasure place while the kids stay on the ship. He'll go with SM-33 to find the lair and get the coordinates. Fern refuses, and, as First Mate, SM-33 takes her side as she was determined captain earlier in the season.

So, they come up with a plan as Jod needs their Old Republic credits to make this work. They land where a woman greets them. Jod bluffs, presenting the kids as wise elders from the Bratric system. The kids are wearing disguises as they're welcomed to the spas of this world. Meanwhile, SM-33 is upset that his old pirate home is now a spa. Once they all get welcome flowers and SM-33 is smacked with a restraining bolt, they head inside.

As they're being shown around, SM-33 is getting increasingly annoyed. Though, they find out that pirates supposedly made the spa beneath from stories, so it backs up SM-33's story. There is also a lot of security around, as the Banking Clan is hosting a summit. Jod pays their guide off to not say anything.

Suddenly, Jod is recognized by another woman named Pokkit, who calls him by the name of "Dash Zentin." She's miffed as he stole a bounty of hers in the past, leaving her to die. She's a bounty hunter, pointing out that no one has ever heard of his name. She promises that she's here to rest. However, remember that back in episode 3, pirate Captain Brutus, who originally had Jod captured, put a bounty on our heroes. So it's not a good thing a bounty hunter is here. Pokkit tells the kids not to trust Jod and leaves.

Jod shovels all the credits on their original guide, demanding they're in a hurry.

They go up to the suite Jod has reserved, and they have to find the coordinates fast. The kids are excited about the fancy suite as SM-33 continues to be upset about his pirate captain's old hold is now a luxury spa. Jod is annoyed the kids aren't taking this seriously, which forces the kids to question why pirates and Pokkit are after him in the first place.

KB is scared to go down there, with Fern bringing up corrosion from the steam. As Jod tries to split up the kids into teams (getting a firsthand taste of parenthood as the kids bicker with him), he snaps back at the kids, yelling at them. They quiet down to finally look for a symbol SM-33 shows them, which will lead to Rennod's lair.

Meanwhile, Pokkit calls Captain Brutus to claim Jod's bounty. The pirate is sending two ships to find them.

SM-33, Fern, and Wim are in one team. Jod, KB, and Neel are the other. The first team decides to follow the pipes into the mountains as the second team are looking at markings carved into the mountain. But Jod's team is caught by security, and they have to run.

Wim and Fern find the symbol deep in the underground spa. A patron thinks Fern is an attendant, so she tries to play the part. However, the patron (who is huge and has tentacles) thinks she's an assassin. He begins to lash out! SM-33 can't help, as he has the restraining bolt! Wim calls on his walkie-talkie to Neel for help!

But Neel is currently running away from security with Jod and KB! They get cornered, but KB triggers some of the pipes! They break, spewing mud on their pursuers as Jod punches out the last one! Suddenly, SM-33 comes out of nowhere to take them to Fern and Wim.

Wim has pacified the situation, telling the patron, whose name is Cthallops, of their adventures last episode. Thanks to the kids entertaining him (and more security guards coming), the patron breaks in where Captain Rennod's symbol is so they can enter.

But uh-oh! The pirates have arrived to Lanupa!

Back with the heroes, they get below, thanks to Mr. Cthallops. SM-33 warns everyone that Rennod set booy traps along the way to his lair. The droid leads them along, and Neel accidentally activates a booby trap. Thankfully, as the laser sweeps above them all, no one is killed.

They're followed by the pirates and Pokkit, who are making their own way through the booby traps.

The kids hit a snag as below a certain chamber is the lair of Rennod. However, it's been flooded with acid. They search for a lever, but KB notices words on the ceiling that says, "All who enter paradise must make the greatest sacrifice." Jod figures out the riddle: Rennod's favorite thing was treasure so that's the clue. He throws their last credit into the acid pool...

And it drains, revealing the stairs down. But the pirates arrive, and the group slams the door shut to hold them out for now!

They are in the lair of Captain Rennod, feared pirate! And there is treasure all around them. They must find a datalog with the coordinates to At Attin in all of the plundered booty, but Jod warns the treasure is probably booby-trapped too. They spread out, looking for a dataport that's more than likely disguised.

Wim, then sees the thing he's wanted to see the most: A lightsaber!

Neel suddenly sees something that looks off. On a table, all the food is rotten except for a single roast that still looks fresh. Stopping Neel from hitting a trap, Jod agrees to get this one. He flips up the roast, and it reveals the dataport they were looking for. SM-33 pulls up the coordinates for At Attin!

Jod also tells SM-33 to fill the other chamber with acid. The kids listen in horror as the pirates on the other side scream on the other side of the door as they're flooded by the pool... then go silent. Jod wants to hear a message from Rennod himself to make sure the treasure is real.

SM-33 pulls up a broken hologram of Rennod, where no one can see his face. The hologram reveals that At Attin is the last Old Republic mint, which makes money. The tension in the room changes...

And Jod invokes his right to challenge Fern, a child, as captain as per the pirate code. It's hand to hand combat to the death! He tells her to yield so he doesn't have to hurt her. Fern tries to fight!

But Jod easily overpowers her, holding her at knife point. She's screams, "You're a grown up! You can't fight us, we're just kids!"

Wim, ready to finally be a hero, picks up the lightsaber. He approaches Jod. Takes a deep breath...

And it's upside down. The lightsaber strikes the ground, scaring the boy, who drops it and it snaps off. With no other options, Fern yeilds.

Now captain, Jod tells SM-33 to take the kids prisoner. As the droid approaches, Wim triggers the trap by the dinner table. They drop through the floor!

Then episode 5, "You Have A Lot To Learn About Pirates," ends with Jod taking up the lightsaber for his own.