Grab your lightsabers and jump on the Firehawk because the Emmy Award-winning preschool series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures is back. The second season will wrap up with its final batch of episodes on March 19 on Disney+ and Disney Jr. released the first look at the end of the season, revealing things are going to be getting a big hairy. Teasing in the first half of Season 2, the Jedi Youngling and fan-favorite character Nubs will finally get to meet an adult version of his species, the Pooba. This character is named Zeephoz, who, along with Nubs, will be voiced by Star Wars Animation voice acting legend Dee Bradley Baker.

One episode I'm personally excited about is the title reveal, "Unmasked," shown above at the top of the article. One of the ongoing storylines of Prince Cyrus Vuundir is the double life he leads. Over the course of the show, he's befriended our youngling heroes. With a title like that, I have to wonder if the full truth will come out about who Cyrus really is.
If you want more Young Jedi Adventures content, but you don't want to wait until March, new Fun With Nubs shorts will arrive on Star Wars Kids YouTube channel every Saturday in February.
Showrunner Michael Olson shared his excitement for the show's return, saying on, "
We’re thrilled to invite fans of Kai, Lys, Nubs, and Nash back to the galaxy far, far away with Season 2 of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. This season, our heroes face thrilling challenges, welcome spirited Padawan Wes Vinik and a new class of younglings to Tenoo, and reunite with friends from across the galaxy. Together, they’ll learn important lessons about friendship, compassion, and overcoming fears. This heartfelt and action-packed season will be a thrilling ride, and we can’t wait to
share it with you."

Even though it's a preschool show, Young Jedi Adventures has become a beloved little series among Star Wars fans. It was the first time we saw The High Republic era on screen, bringing in many fan-favorite characters like Bell Zettifar and Loden Greatstorm. It's become an Emmy Award winner and is currently in the running for a GLAAD Award.
You can watch the second half of Season 2 of Young Jedi Adventures on Disney+ and Disney Jr. starting on March 19, and the Fun With Nubs shorts every Saturday in February on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel.