Watch Gillette’s Rogue One Commercial (Video)


 We are 45 days away from the worldwide premiere of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and today we have a Rogue One commercial from Gillette razors…

Marketing for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has hit an all time high, and we’ve already had two fantastic commercials from Duracell Batteries and the Nissan Motor Company, that have captured the magic and wonder of the Star Wars universe in one, and the action-packed battle sequences in another.

Today, thanks to Gillette, we have an all-new Rogue One commercial that depicts one one soldier in the Rebellion goes through, before he meets the Empire’s forces, in battle. Check it out:

Gillette: Every Story Has a Face

"A Rebel soldier’s battle begins not on the frontlines, but in the quiet moments of reflection before the alarm is sounded."

What I really like about this commercial, is that it is told in reverse. When we first meet our soldier, he is about to battle the Empire’s Stormtroopers, as the Rebels and the Imperial forces stand face to face. This commercial shows us more of the Rogue One vehicles and Rebel base than we’ve previously seen in the official trailer.

With the Rebel U-Wings flying in formation over the Empire’s AT-ACT’s on Scarif, to flying in space from the secret Rebel base on Yavin 4, and even showing the U-Wings landing (or prepping for takeoff) on the Rebel base on Yavin 4, we get a more in-depth look at the Rebels in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, than we every have, previously. This is a fantastic Rogue One commercial.

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We want to hear from you: What has been your favorite Rogue One commercial so far? Has it been the Duracell Batteries commercial? What about the Nissan Rogue commercial? Or, does this Gillette Rogue One commercial that the prize? Let us know in the comments below and on social media with the hashtag: #RogueOneCommercial.