Josh Gad Enlists Judi Dench’s Help Asking Daisy Ridley About The Last Jedi


Daisy Ridley’s Murder On the Orient Express co-star Josh Gad is so desperate for answers to his The Last Jedi questions, he enlisted Judi Dench’s help to interrogate Ridley.

When you want answers to your spoilery Star Wars: The Last Jedi questions, who you gonna call? Dame Judi Dench, of course.

Daisy Ridley and Josh Gad co-star in an upcoming film adaptation of Agatha Christie’s Murder On the Orient Express. Gad has been interrogating Ridley for the past couple of weeks, seemingly desperate for answers about The Last Jedi: what the title means, who the last Jedi is; basically, all the questions every single Star Wars fan will wonder about from now till December.

Predictably, Gad met with no success in his first two interrogation attempts against the imperturbable Ridley. So he enlisted the help of another imposing female figure: Academy Award-winning legendary British actress, Dame Judi Dench, who is also starring in Murder On the Orient Express.

Watch Dench’s steely questioning of Ridley below.

Below is a list of the barrage of questions Dench icily fired at Ridley:

"“Have you been tested for midichlorians?”“Is Snoke Palpatine?”“Are you the last Jedi?”“What’s the deal with Reylo?”“Why don’t you answer my damn questions?”"

Throughout the interrogation, Ridley remained silent. To the last query, however, Ridley finally made a meek reply:


Why didn’t Gad ask for Dench’s help in the first two videos (for those, click here and here)? He would have gotten answers a lot faster. No one can resist Judi Dench, not even Ridley.

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Seriously, though, Judi Dench will probably have to wait, along with Gad and the rest of us, till December 15th, 2017 for her questions to be answered.