Ian McDiarmid still wants to portray Palpatine in future Star Wars films


With his apprentice Darth Vader’s presence heavily shown in the newest Star Wars films, could Ian McDiarmid return as Palpatine to join the fun?

Star Wars fans have received a heavy dose of Darth Vader within the newest content, but could his Master, Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious, played by Ian McDiarmid, make his return to live-action or even in Star Wars Rebels Season 4?

Thanks to BBC.com, we now have more details, thanks to a recent interview with Ian McDiarmid, Palpatine himself.

"I suppose there must be a chance but I think you’d find out about it more quickly than I would. Maybe they are keeping me as a surprise for later but I have no idea. Of course, I don’t want anyone else to play him."

Neither do we, Mr. McDiarmid, neither do we. Even though Darth Vader was labeled as the villain within the Original Trilogy, George Lucas did not intend for that to happen. In fact, Vader was supposed to play the role of victim, with Palpatine playing the true bad-guy, but the presence of the mechanical Sith Apprentice accidentally stole the show, wrongfully portraying him as the main antagonist.

ORLANDO, FL – APRIL 13: Hayden Christensen,Ian McDiarmid and George Lucas attends the Star Wars Celebration day 01 on April 13, 2017 in Orlando, Florida. (Photo by Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images)

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In order for McDiarmid to get fully into villain form, the preparation before filming each scene was grueling and very time-consuming.

"I was alright for Return of the Jedi because I was under four hours of make-up so no-one really knew what I looked like or sounded like because I lower my voice very much for the film… I could be anonymous."

While attending Star Wars Celebration, I was able to see McDiarmid on stage in a handful of venues, and I can tell you with confidence that he still has a heavy passion for Palpatine.

Time will tell if the ruthless Sith Master will return onscreen, but it’s something that needs to happen, especially since McDiarmid has dibs on the character and is the perfect age to play Emperor Palpatine in his prime.

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