The Sideshow Collectibles Mythos Obi-Wan is back!


The Side Show Collectible Mythos Obi-Wan is every Star Wars fan’s dream…

Star Wars fans have finally been given hope that we are going to be given an Obi-Wan Kenobi standalone film soon. With that “new hope” on the horizon, the question now becomes: What timeline is Disney/Lucasfilm going to cover?

Well, thanks to Sideshow Collectibles, we have a great idea on where to start.

The Mythos Obi-Wan collectible figure is coming back around and Sideshow is preparing to put him on sale. This beauty is a 1:6 scale model of Obi-Wan in desert gear while carrying some Clone Wars armor, Anakin’s and Qui-Gon’s lightsabers. Obi-Wan looks like he is definitely prepping for life in the desert. interviewed project manager for Sideshow’s 1:6 scale series — Kevin Ellis — and got some inside info on the return of the Mythos Obi-Wan to Sideshow Collectibles.

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From the worn Clone armor on his back to the dirty sandy goggles around his neck. All these little things add to the story of Obi-Wan’s time on Tatooine. One of the biggest, yet literally smallest tweaks the artist made on Obi-Wan, was his belt buckle. It is the same one he has in A New Hope when Luke is rescued by him while out in the desert looking for R2.

Kevin Ellis and the team of artists he worked with in this wanted to capture the Ewan McGregor from Revenge of the Sith and the aging Alec Guinness from A New Hope, and it looks like they did an excellent job.

"You’ll be able to see it in person at New York Comic Con, October 5-8, at the Sideshow booth, #1912, and can pre-order beginning September 21 at"

But what do you guys think about the return of the Mythos Ob-Wan in 1:6 scale? Let’s discuss in the comments below.