Do we need Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer during The Last Jedi premiere?


Do we really need a Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer during The Last Jedi premiere?

With the eyes of the world on the premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi on December 15, Solo: A Star Wars Story is rapidly approaching. Other than various tweets, pictures, and news articles from director Ron Howard, we haven’t seen much else regarding the film.

Perhaps a trailer is in our future? Now, what that trailer will display is the mystery. For now, we can only speculate, but that’s part of the fun, right?

We know the obvious things that be will in Solo: A Star Wars Story: The Falcon, the start of Han and Lando’s friendship, however, how much of the story Disney/Lucasfilm decides to show in that first trailer, could set the tone for just how excited fans end up over this film.

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Disney shouldn’t have an issue getting people to the theater to watch the movie, whenever it comes out since diehard fans will see anything Star Wars related.

Attempting to get casual fans to invest time and emotional connections into a standalone film were things Lucasfilm was quite successful with, in Rogue One.

Giving an assortment of information about Han’s younger years while keeping main plot spoilers top secret is tough to do, which Lucasfilm has done beautifully with Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Fans simply want to be comforted that Alden Ehrenreich is the right man for a younger version of Solo, with the trailer hopefully revealing that answer.

No matter how they do it, I know the movie will be great. Ron Howard is a fantastic director, writer, and producer, so I am confident in his abilities to continue to make Star Wars an excellent continuation of the canon timeline.

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Having a Star Wars trailer to kick off other films within galaxy far, far away will hopefully be the new trend, keeping the buzz and excitement roaring for years to come.