Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer to drop during the Super Bowl?

When will the first trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story drop? We may be closer than you think…

We are nearly through the month of January, which means if Disney/Lucasfilm still plans on releasing Solo: A Star Wars Story in May, then a trailer for the film should be dropping within the next two weeks. But when should fans expect this to happen?

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The next big thing to happen in 2018 will be when the New England Patriots take on the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LII, on February 4, and if the House of the Mouse wanted to get the biggest bang for its marketing buck, it would make sense to place a teaser for Han Solo’s Star Wars standalone debut in the biggest sporting event of the year.

According to Sports Illustrated, for this year’s Super Bowl, NBC will rake in $5 million per 30 seconds of ad time. This means if Disney wants to show a one-and-a-half minute-long teaser for Solo: A Star Wars Story, it would have to fork over roughly $15 million. That’s loose change in the couch cushions to Mickey, folks.

But what are the experts saying? The only person outside of Disney itself, we’d trust for news on this topic is Entertainment Weekly’s Star Wars correspondent, Anthony Breznican.

“Won’t have to wait much longer.” Well, that’s certainly exciting. While Breznican is someone “in the know” about these sorts of things, he also can’t divulge sensitive information regarding exact dates for trailer releases, unless Disney/Lucasfilm releases that information to him for the express purpose of making an official announcement.

When pressed for more information on a release date, Breznican tweeted this reply:

“Not much longer, but not yet.” This could mean the trailer could drop today (Monday, January 22) or during the Super Bowl on February 4. Another thought on this topic could be that Disney would want to supersede the excitement of a Super Bowl placement, for the Solo trailer, and release it this weekend.

In this scenario, Mickey isn’t out the $15 to possibly $20 million (depending on the length of the trailer)  for a Super Bowl ad and is able to drum up some excitement on its own network, ABC.

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Regardless of when Disney/Lucasfilm decides to release the trailer, it better hurry, because Solo: A Star Story will hit theaters on May 25 (for now), just four months from now.