How Disney revolutionized an irrelevant Star Wars franchise

With Star Wars going nowhere for 10 long years, Disney came in and saved the day from its mainstream irrelevance.

With the release of Revenge of the Sith back in 2005 that wrapped up the timeline regarding the movies, we still had no definite canon timeline for what all truly happened. With many books contradicting one another, it was difficult to know what was true and what was fan-fiction, within a galaxy far, far away. Disney saved Star Wars from eventually falling off the map when it acquired Lucasfilm in 2012.

Now I know that statement has angered many fanboys out there but take a seat, young Skywalker, and hear me out on this matter. Disney saved Star Wars, and it is as popular now as it has ever been — just look at all of the Hollywood elite flocking to these films now. It’s also made the careers of up and coming stars, starting in the 1970’s.

Harrison Ford was gaining popularity coming off his appearance in American Graffiti in1973, but it was Star Wars and then Indiana Jones which transformed him into a Hollywood icon. His career took off due to his inclusion within a galaxy far, far away.

Up until Disney acquired Lucasfilm, how many big-name actors have you seen in Star Wars? The correct answer just a few, with Liam Neeson as a prime example. But even at that point in his life, he wasn’t nearly as big as he is now — Neeson only had Schindlers List under his belt which made his name indeed well-known within the movie mainstream.

Now, fast forward to The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, where big-name actors flocked to the franchise. Daniel Craig aka James Bond played the role of the stormtrooper that was in the holding cell with Rey. The lifelong friend of J.J. Abrams, Greg Grunberg (Heroes, Lost) played the small role of Snaps Wexley — the reconnaissance pilot who located Starkiller Base.

Gwendoline Christie from Game of Thrones dons the Chromed armor of Captain Phasma, with many other GOT stars making cameos in the recent Star Wars films. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Brick, Looper, The Dark Knight Returns) played the voice of Slowen Lo, the alien on Canto Bight who snitches on Finn and Rose in The Last Jedi. 

Rogue One showcased lots of new faces, but they still managed to land a prominent actor by the name of Donnie Yen, probably one of the best martial arts fighters in history.

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Looking at The Last Jedi, we can see the attraction Star Wars is starting to have on more prominent actors. Benicio Del Toro joined the universe as D.J, the freelancing splicer for hire.

Lastly, looking forward in time to Solo we can see what seems to be the straw that is going to break the camels back of actors and actresses flocking toward Disney for their shot at being in a Star Wars film.

Donald Glover from the hit TV show Atlanta, Emilia Clarke from the show that needs no Introduction, Game of Thrones, and most importantly, Woody Harrelson whose achievements is too long to list.

If Disney had not acquired Lucasfilm, Star Wars would still be one of the greatest sagas of all time, but not as popular as it is this day and age. Disney saved Star Wars from eventually falling off the map by purchasing the rights from George Lucas.

If you honestly think that Disney is ruining Star Wars, then why are we having so many celebrities flocking to be included in these films? Wouldn’t they would want to save their careers and stay away? Disney is what saved Star Wars from irrelevance, and we should be truly grateful, not angry.

Of course, a galaxy far, far away still had a multitude of fans, but from a mainstream perspective, was way off the charted system. Irrelevant. But, not anymore, thanks to Disney and their movie-making magic — as well as establishing an easy to follow, cohesive timeline.

Next: Can’t we all just get along in a galaxy far, far away?

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