5 badass Marvel Star Wars ladies who need their own live-action series

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Don’t you dare question Natalie Portman!

The women listed can provide Star Wars with some much-needed representation for minorities. Natalie Portman has also addressed this issue saying that there aren’t enough minorities or women in front of or behind the camera.

She recently appeared on SNL, showcasing the badassery of empowering women — while defending the prequels in style! 

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One of the concerns on social media is the lack of diverse casts and the chronic use of women as side characters for the purpose of creating romantic tension. While the makers of Star Wars are beginning to rectify this, there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Recently, Twitter was in an uproar that yet another white man was given a Star Wars project to direct – and on International Women’s Day of all days. While fans have voiced their support of Favreau’s filmmaking talents, the timing of this information release was deemed in poor taste.

With these five women I have listed (or any of the numerous others in the comics), and with the inclusion of more diverse casts and production teams, Lucasfilm can really bring something positive and empowering to the Star Wars galaxy.

"“For the love of Carrie Fisher and all things good in the galaxy far, far away, Jon Favreau, please listen to Frances and include an Inclusion Rider in your contract.” – Hellogiggles.com"

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Lucasfilm now is the time! It’s time for more diversity and a lot more women!  It will make movies better. May the force be with you all!