Star Wars: Kelly Marie Tran deletes Instagram account after harassment from fans


Kelly Marie Tran, who plays Rose in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, deletes her Instagram account after harassment from angry Star Wars fans.

If you’re looking for the likes of Star Wars personalities such as Daisy Ridley (Rey), Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker), and now Kelly Marie Tran (Rose Tico) on social media — you won’t find them anywhere in the social media galaxy.

All three, for one reason or another, were harassed by a mob of angry Star Wars fans. Honestly, I’m not surprised in the slightest, but this sort of behavior is getting out of hand.

Daisy Ridley spoke her mind about gun violence and received loads and loads of hate in her Instagram comments section. Hayden Christensen portrayed Anakin Skywalker, “ruining” Darth Vader and the childhood of many — not mine, I love him as Anakin/Darth Vader.

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Now, all Kelly Marie Tran has done is provide us with another fantastic character within a galaxy far, far away. Her reward: Death threats, harassment, jokes, and all sorts of unspeakable words.

There’s even a YouTube site, the same one that’s made hour-long videos making fun of us, who dismembers a Kelly Marie Tran (Rose) action figure.

It’s quite disturbing.

The toxic nature of the fanbase should not be tolerated and if you see acts of hate on social media and elsewhere, report it.

It’s long overdue, but Social Media sites and YouTube channels need stricter guidelines and regulations in preventing acts of hate — not only within comments sections but by those who make the content.

Saying you disagree with something or don’t like something is allowed, but there’s a thin red line that you cannot cross. Mocking, spewing insults, profanity, and such cannot be tolerated. Now, it’s caused a substantial amount of Star Wars personalities to go into hiding — like they’re part of the Witness Protection program.

Rian Johnson recently made Star Wars: The Last Jedi the straw that broke the camel’s back of the fandom. It’s caused a split and one that I honestly feel is a good thing moving forward.

The fans threatening to boycott Solo: A Star Wars Story or the ones committing these Dark Side acts of hate on Social media towards Kelly Marie Tran (and others) need to move on from the franchise.

Star Wars has grown into a beautiful galaxy of diversity, growth; and is far beyond just a boy’s club now. If you’re going to treat the amazing fans, actors, and franchise in this fashion, then go away. Forever. We don’t want you back.

Next: SW fandom engages civil war thanks to The Last Jedi

We love you, Kelly Marie Tran. Hang in there. Maybe fans will remember the words your character Rose spoke to Finn.

We aren’t going to make a change by:

“…fighting what we hate, but saving what we love.”