L3 actress interested in Lando spinoff movie


L3 actress Phoebe Waller-Bridge is up for a Lando spinoff movie if the opportunity ever comes about.

The release of Solo: A Star Wars Story has prompted talk of a sequel given the movie’s cliffhanger ending and loose ends to still explore, but has also led some to wonder about a Lando Calrissian-based spinoff after Donald Glover’s scene-stealing performance. L3 actress Phoebe Waller-Bridge is interested in reprising her role as the frenetic droid if a Lando spinoff origin story is ever made. Waller-Bridge told Variety: “That would be a scream. I can imagine she has quite the past. Who knows what these imaginations will come up with next? I could play L3 forever.”

It speaks to Glover’s embrace of the role and the success he had in portraying Calrissian that there’s actual interest in a Lando spinoff.  

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While a potential spinoff could take off from Solo’s ending, following up on Lando who would surely run into Alden Ehrenreich’s Han Solo at some point, that would leave out L3, a lively character who meets a fatal end on Kessel. The loss of L3 certainly shakes Lando, who scrambles to save the little he can of the droid before uploading its navigation into the Millennium Falcon. There’s an implied history of exploring the two have and the loss of L3 means a non-origin story spinoff wouldn’t be able to touch on that.

That’s why a spinoff should focus on pre-Solo happenings. After all, Lando is an established man when we meet him in Solo, meaning there’s much to learn about his origins — which would certainly include meeting Waller-Bridge’s L3 and their adventures together.

The rapport established between Lando and L3 is worth exploring, too. Glover and Waller-Bridge work extremely well in Solo, giving you confidence that the tandem would shine in a full movie if given the chance. 

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Would you like to see L3 make an appearance in a Lando spinoff? Let us know in the comments.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is out on digital now and Blu-ray Sept. 25.