LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy Episode 2 Recap: Beach Luke and the Darths

Enemies move in as Sig, Yesi, and Jedi Bob seek out help from Luke Skywalker. Only, he's not the hero that Sig remembers from his galaxy.
Beach Luke (Mark Hamill) in a scene from LEGO® STAR WARS: REBUILD THE GALAXY, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
Beach Luke (Mark Hamill) in a scene from LEGO® STAR WARS: REBUILD THE GALAXY, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

This recap contains full spoilers for LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy episode 2.

After all of time and space has been rewritten where good guys are bad, and bad guys are heroes, a Force-sensitive nerf herder, Sig Greebling, has been captured by his older brother Dev, who is a Sith Lord in this universe. With him is Yesi, his friend from the original universe who doesn't remember him, who works for the Rebellion. All hope is not lost. Sig's Gonk droid Servo has teamed up with the mysterious Jedi Bob, who plans to rescue the heroes.

Let's recap everything you missed in LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy episode 2.

On the planet of Fennesa, Sig and Yesi are being held captive by Dev. Sig pleads with his brother to try to remember their old lives as nerf herders. Dev calls in his apprentice, and it's...

Darth Rey!

Together, Rey and Dev begin to torment Yesi, forcing Sig to pull out the Cornerstone, the LEGO brick that rewrote time and space. Dev lunges out for the Cornerstone.

But he's cut off as a wall of bricks is built in front of Sig, separating him from the danger. Out leaps Jedi Bob, who Sig recognizes as the man who tried to stop him at the Jedi Temple, where he found the Cornerstone.

The Darths start cutting through the wall, and it's time to run! Apparently, Jedi Bob is not good with a lightsaber, hence the running away. Bob does have the ability to remake things with the Force, turning a large blaster from evil Admiral Ackbar clone troopers into mouse droids.

As they run to the ship port where Yesi's ship is, Bob explains that he, Sig, and Servo were shielded from the universe chance since they were trapped in Fennesa's Jedi temple when it happened. Yesi now believes Sig that there was another galaxy.

Before they reach her ship, Dev in his X-Fighter blows it up! "No!" she cries out. "I stole that ship fair and square!" Jedi Bob, in turn, takes a pile of rubble and remakes it into his ship. Sig doesn't want to leave his brother behind. Jedi Bob flat-out says that Dev isn't his brother anymore. He's just a guy who looks like Dev and, "There is nothing good left inside of him." Before Sig can argue back, more Ackbar clone troopers arrive, firing on them.

They flee into the ship, where Yesi takes the wheel. She punches it just as Dev swoops in! It's a back-and-forth sky battle with Dev breaking apart rock formations and Bob remaking them into useful upgrades like a podracing engine to make them go faster. They get out of the planet and jump into the safety of hyperspace!

Bob explains to Sig how he accidentally created a new galaxy, changing all of time, space, people, and locations. Sig tells Yesi that her father is alive in his original galaxy. That's enough to make her want to fix things for good. She's in.

With Bob's guidance, the Jedi test Sig, who creates a statue of a nerf. Bob says that Sig is a natural Force Builder, a secret sect of the Jedi Order dedicated to creation. The opposite are the Sith Breakers, a sect of Force Builders who are part of the dark side. The two sides battled for generations, but the fabric of the galaxy was eroding. So, the Force Builders created the Cornerstone and hid it on Fennesa to hold the galaxy together. Bob was the temple's protector, lamenting his failure. Hope is not lost, though. A new Force Builder temple should have appeared somewhere in the galaxy where they might could use the Cornerstone.

Sig is excited that things can go back to the way they were. Bob... isn't so sure.

There is also another catch: The Cornerstone is permanently bonded to Sig. As its protector, Bob is now stuck with Sig too. He might not be the best teacher, but Bob says he will do his best to train Sig in the ways of Force Building.

Back with the baddies, Darth Rey's search came up empty for Sig. Dev is furious and wants to teach Sig, his so-called brother, a harsh lesson. He commands his apprentice to call every bounty hunter in the sector to hunt for Sig. As Yesi tries to call the Rebellion, someone picks up their signal.

To start their training, Bob encourages Sig to upgrade Servo. Sig is unsure because he likes Servo the way he is. But Bob says there's nothing wrong with fixing him up a little bit. Still, Sig uses the Force, adds a few upgrades to Servo, and...

Servo can talk! He thanks Sig for the upgrades, happy to be able to communicate with everyone now.

Sig is upset that he didn't fix Servo the way he wanted to. Bob apologizes, too, because he's so used to being alone. In his opinion, he's not a very good Jedi.

Suddenly, they're under attack! The worst, most bloodthirsty bounty hunters in the galaxy are after them: Ewoks! It's a tense space battle in an asteroid field with Yesi showing off her piloting skills. The Ewoks are vicious, probing why they're worthy villains in this universe. Yesi sees an opening to escape--

A Naboo capital ship drops out of hyperspace! It blocks their path, and Yesi realizes who it is as an evil C-3PO calls in for them to surrender. C-3PO is chilling, telling them the odds of not escaping. They lose power to the hyperdrive, but Servo is here!

With Servo adding power to the ship, they have enough for one jump! But they don't know where with no navigational computer! Trusting the Force, they spring into hyperspace!

But oh no! Their engines were hit right before the jump! The heroes drop out at a planet, but they're careening towards the ocean! Bob tells Sig to use his abilities to help them. "Don't think!" Bob yells. "Do! Clear your mind. Trust yourself." Sig reaches out with the Force and remakes their starship into a boat, allowing them to land in the water and float.

Yesi apologizes for the bounty hunters finding them and blames herself for being a bad rebel. It turns out she accidentally sold out the secret location of the Rebel base when the Empire put a tracker on her ship. She was in too much of a hurry to check. Bob says, "Sometimes going too fast is as bad as going too slow."

They drive their boat to town, realizing they're on Tatooine, which now has oceans and beaches. They arrive at Mos Eisley Marina. Sig wonders if Luke Skywalker lives on this Tatooine like he did in the original universe.

As if on cue, there's a podrace happening over the ocean! It's Max Rebo in the lead, but Luke Skywalker is just behind in second. Only this Luke (who is named Beach Luke in this show) isn't really a nice guy. He uses the Force to cheat, ripping off part of Max Rebo's podracer to win the race.

When the heroes confront Luke on the docks, Luke insists the race was fair and square. Bob calls him out on it, and Luke doesn't want other people to hear him. So he takes them to a place where they can all talk.

They go to the Mos Eisley Cantina, which is full of lovely Easter eggs, and everything is just skewed from the cantina we know from A New Hope. Once they sit at a table, Bob again confronts Luke about using the Force. Sig, instead, explains to Luke why he's such a big deal in the galaxy where he came from.

Luke is not impressed at all by Sig's retelling of the original and sequel trilogy. He won't join them, saying that maybe people are happier in this galaxy. Maybe people don't want things to be fixed the way they were. He just wants to be Beach Luke from Tatooine and nothing more.

Bob says it's easier to be a hero when you don't know the cost. Sig asks him why he does it, and Bob is quick to say that he's no hero.

Suddenly, Sig sees Yesi talking to Darth Maul on the other side of the cantina! Only this Maul is dressed like Lando Calrissian. However, Sig doesn't trust him as Maul was a Sith in his galaxy. He drags Yesi, Servo, and Bob out of the cantina.

Where Darth Rey is waiting with a group of Ackbar troopers. Sig immediately blames Maul for selling them all out. Bob pulls out his lightsaber, though he quips that he's not very good at dueling. Rey quickly disarms Bob in a fast battle. However, Bob is good at banter and distracts Rey as Sig uses the Force to knock her lightsaber out of her hand and builds a holding container to stick her in.

Their victory is cut short as the Millennium Falcon swoops in! But this isn't the ship we all know and love. It's the Dark Falcon, and it's full of Sith. Pouring out are Darth Rose Tico, Darth Nubs, Darth Kit Fisto, and others. But then, the biggest Sith of them all comes out.

It's Darth Jar Jar Binks (voiced by Ahmed Best which is a great touch), and he's there to hurt them as "Duel of the Fates" begins to play.

Dev strolls out last, telling Sig his beginner's luck has run out. He calls the original Dev pathetic, and he is far more powerful than the original Dev ever was. He frees Darth Rey and monologues about how, with the Cornerstone, he can remake the galaxy how he wants.

Ripping the Cornerstone away from Sig, Dev pulls it to him with the Force! Jedi Bob uses it right back, yanking the Cornerstone as it hovers in the air between them. As their enemies close in, Sig says, "This new galaxy is so messed up!"

Which is where episode 2 of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy comes to a close.