Skeleton Crew: Would a Season 2 tease Jod's redemption?

Everything else changed in Skeleton Crew, why not Jod?
At Attin from Lucasfilm’s STAR WARS: SKELETON CREW, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Lucasfilm. ©2025 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
At Attin from Lucasfilm’s STAR WARS: SKELETON CREW, exclusively on Disney+. Photo courtesy of Lucasfilm. ©2025 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. | From Image Exchange

Skeleton Crew has wrapped, but fans still hope for more from these characters. One in particular is Jude Law's Jod Na Nawood who had quite the ambiguous ending. Fans have pondered his final moments on screen and where he might go. Creators Jon Watts and Christopher Ford sat down with TVline's Matt Webb Mitovich to discuss Jod's possible future.

"It’s all about what you think he’s thinking at that very last moment. Like, there’s this little sort of glimmer that comes across his face. We have an idea of what might happen to him, but it’s been really fun to see people project onto that final moment what they think he’s thinking, what they think he’ll do next…."
Jon Watts, TVline

What a hard-hitting moment. Not only did this scene hit Jod where it hurt, but it was also right after his one on-screen moment of honesty. Throughout Skeleton Crew, we see him lie about everything down to his name, but on the cusp of his greatest victory, he opens up.

For probably the first time since his Jedi Mentor died, he tells the truth. Not just any truth either: his backstory is the deepest, most personal truth he could tell. He revealed events that scarred him and haunt him today. Sharing something so tragic about his past that still affects him deeply? Followed up with the literal crashing and burning of his dreams? That could crack through his shell of evil. Right?

I just wrote an article on Jod's villainy and if the lack of redemption was a mistake. Now, Skeleton Crew’s creators tease us with a possible heel face turn. I don't know if my dreams are burning or rising. But if Jude Law rejoins the crew for a second season, his character's scheming won’t be an anti-twist, the lies no longer a surprise – and amid a season of change. Season 1 ended with the children finally home, At Attin exposed to the wider galaxy, and the Supervisor destroyed. Everything has changed.

So why not Jod?

"“I do feel like if Jod has any chance of redeeming himself, he has to go through a pretty serious gauntlet after everything that he did to the kids in this season.”
FORD | Yeah! Like, what the hell, man?!"
Watts, TVline

Jod was Skeleton Crew's big bad villain. He's destroyed the kids' dreams and threatened their lives, families, and entire home planet. Worse, our protagonists are only Jod's latest victims. He’s spent a lifetime screwing people over – friends, lovers, officials, even his fellow pirates there at the end – culminating in endangering four kids for the sake of conquering their home planet. How could Jod manage a redemptive arc after a lifetime of crushing other people's hopes and dreams?

Interviewer Mitovich wondered the same thing, asking: "I did write a story speculating that Hondo Ohnaka is the Season 2 threat, and Jod finds himself helping protect At Attin from this legendary fellow pirate."

This offers an intriguing idea – and a particularly fitting plot for Jod. Skeleton Crew remains anchored to the pirate theme Season 1 established while telling a fresh, new story. This could also show Jod learning about these plans and rushing to warn everyone he had previously scammed – and no one believes him the one (other) time he’s truthful.

But would Jod risk life and limb and lie to save anyone? What could make the scammer, the liar, the pirate, the selfish stone-hearted rogue risk everything to help a planet full of strangers?

As he told the pirates when convincing them to chase after myths - he’s hungry. His hunger for wealth is rooted in his hunger as a child, overcompensating as an adult, but all the wealth in the Galaxy won’t fill the belly of his past self. Redemption will require making peace with his past – and moving beyond it. Can this selfish pirate find the courage to embrace the Jedi path that saw his guardian murdered before him?

We'll just have to wait and see.