The Mandalorian premiered on November 12, 2019, which means the show is about to celebrate 5 years on Disney+. In these 5 years, the show has turned from a risky Star Wars live-action venture to a blockbuster series that's getting a movie. The main characters, Din Djarin and Grogu, have become household names, with billions worth of merchandise and millions of fans eager for even more. The show's lead actor, Pedro Pascal, has become a big name in Hollywood, and he's bound to get even bigger.
With Mando turning 5, it's time to get nostalgic and reflect on the titular Mandalorian and his journey. Along the way, the lone bounty hunter we met in Chapter 1 has forged several important friendships, with characters from the show and animation working by his side on different occasions. Although Din is a baddie on his own, he can work well with others despite differences.
Let's look at Din Djarin's 5 best allies in The Mandalorian
1. Din Djarin and IG-11
The Mandalorian Season 1 quickly establishes Din's dislike of droids through the traumatic childhood flashbacks of his parents being killed in front of his eyes by a battle droid during the Clone Wars. However, in Chapter 1, Favreau and Filoni quickly illustrate that when it's necessary, Mando can work with others, regardless of how he feels about them.
When Din and IG-11, a bounty-hunting droid, are both on Arvala 7, vying for the same bounty known as "The Child," Djarin puts his distrust of droids aside and works with IG to defeat the mercenaries protecting the compound. The best part is the banter between Din and IG, with the latter being ready to "self-destruct" at any moment since protocol dictates, "He cannot be captured; he must be destroyed."
Pedro Pascal and Taika Waititi add to the fun with their voiceover work, and if not for the shocking end to this episode, it was beginning to seem like Din had started to trust IG-11. Nevertheless, this partnership was a memorable way to start the show.

2. Din Djarin and Boba Fett
When the show premiered, Din reminded fans of bounty hunter Boba Fett, but as the series progressed, Favreau slowly began giving Din a distinct personality. Regardless, it was beyond exciting when they came face to face. After Season 1 teased Boba's return, Season 2 brought him back in Chapter 14, "The Tragedy."
Their first meeting is defined by Din hilariously asking Boba if he's a Jedi. Considering Boba's history with them, this wasn't the best way to meet. However, they went on to work together, and Boba got his armor back and revealed that his father was a Mandalorian who fought in wars. Boba and Fennec allowed Din to use Slave 1 to travel to Morak, where Din got the coordinates to Gideon's ship.
They formed a strong friendship defined by honor and loyalty and continued working together in The Book of Boba Fett. Despite the show's poor ratings, Din and Boba's friendship was one of the positives. Their fighting styles and personalities perfectly complement each other, and we'd love to see them hanging out again.
3. Din Djarin and Ahsoka Tano
Ahsoka Tano's live-action debut is one of the most exciting moments of The Mandalorian Season 2. Because Din had no prior experience meeting or fighting alongside a Jedi, Chapter 13 was also a great opportunity to see his reaction to meeting a skilled Jedi Knight. The duo works together to defeat Morgan Elsbeth and free Calodan from her clutches.
The great thing about this duo is despite different beliefs, their personalities aren't that different. Both have suffered losses and became child soldiers because of a war, and both remained loners for most of their lives. Din and Ahsoka form a formidable Mandalorian and Jedi duo that should collaborate again.
4. Din Djarin and Cobb Vanth
Cobb Vanth and Din Djarin worked together in the season premiere of The Mandalorian Season 2, where the duo joined forces with Tusken Raiders to defeat the krayt dragon terrorizing Mos Pelgo. They initially didn't seem like they would work well together, but Vanth ends up honoring his agreement with Din to give up his armor in exchange for Djarin's help defeating the dragon.
They briefly met again in The Book of Boba Fett, and Cobb Vanth has a rich Star Wars history thanks to Chuck Wendig's Aftermath trilogy. We'd love to see Vanth again in The Mandalorian and Grogu.
5. Din Djarin and Migs Mayfeld
As a space Bostonian, Bill Burr's Migs Mayfeld was an oddball character who made his debut in The Mandalorian Chapter 6, "The Prisoner." Mayfeld seems scared of Mando and is a bit of a jerk overall in this episode, so his turnaround in Chapter 15 is astonishing. Mayfeld, a former Imperial Sharpshooter, ends up imprisoned at the end of "The Prisoner" after he betrays Din.

In "The Believer," Mayfeld and Din must work together to break into the Empire's secret mining hub on Morak. After lots of tension and several important conversations, he proves to be a trustworthy guy with a sense of morals. He not only helps Din on his mission to obtain Gideon's location and rescue Grogu, but after Din removes his helmet for a facial scan, he assures Din that to him, this never happened. Din's partnership with Mayfeld needs to be explored further.
The Mandalorian is streaming on Disney+.