With Star Wars Rebels turning ten this year, we've had a decade's worth of stellar performances from Lucasfilm Animation. From the return of The Clone Wars to the newest outing from the LEGO Star Wars miniseries Rebuild the Galaxy, let's dive into which voice actors brought out the best performances.
My picks are based on the entire run of a show, season, or miniseries. A guest spot on a single episode won't count. The only exception would be Star Wars: Visions being a series of shorts. Who gave a solid performance from the beginning to the end of their respective show.
In no particular order, here are the 16 best performances from Lucasfilm Animation in the last 10 years.
1. Ashley Eckstein

It's hard to think that at one point, Dave Filoni told Ashley Eckstein to prepare herself, because people would hate Ahsoka Tano at first. Now, it's hard to think of this franchise without this padawan turned live-action Jedi master and the woman who first gave life to the character
The Clone Wars Season 7 saw Ahsoka's return, showcasing the titular war's final days. This wasn't the plucky upstart padawan we spent years watching grow up. This take on Ahsoka was Eckstein's magnum opus after voicing the character for a decade. She was never better than she was in the Siege of Mandalore arc, making it easily Eckstein's best performance.
2. Sam Witwer

After Ashoka and (I would argue) Captain Rex, the next breakout star of The Clone Wars was easily Darth Maul. From his return to the final episodes of Season 7 with Star Wars Rebels in between, he became one of the best characters in the Star Wars franchise. It showed how and why these series, animated or live-action, worked by taking a basically one-note character and turning him into a Shakespearean-level tragic villain. Sam Witwer flexed his voice acting muscles in "The Phantom Apprentice" where he got to show Maul's full range.
3. Tiya Sircar

Star Wars Rebels and Resistance were the two shows that were the hardest to pick a few choices of the best of the best because the casts are solid across the board.
The first Rebels actor who gave a stellar performance from start to finish is Tiya Sircar. Watching Sabine grow up and mature over the four seasons is a joy, and a huge reason for that is Sircar's talent. A lot of times, it's a subtle performance. But when she lets loose with sheer raw emotion, like in "Trials of the Darksaber," that's when Sircar and Sabine are at their best.
4. David Oyelowo

Maybe I'm a bit biased because I adore Agent Kallus. Until we got Crosshair in The Bad Batch, Kallus was the best-written redemption story we had in Star Wars. So much of that is thanks to the talented David Oyelowo. Kallus runs the gambit of emotions from comedically failing to catch the Lothal Rebels, being villainously sinister when needed, revealing vulnerability to Zeb in "The Honorable Ones," and boasting his pride at serving the Rebellion as Fulcrum. Oyelowo is an award-winning standout talent, and the fact we got him in Star Wars Rebels is amazing.
5. Freddie Prinze Jr.

Like Tiya Sircar, Freddie Prinze Jr. took Kanan Jarrus on quite the ride over the course of four seasons. From his more laid back approach as a Jedi master to being a bit of a cowboy Jedi in Season 1, a lot of Prinze Jr.'s early work as Kanan showed his skills, including with comedy. However, in later seasons, especially after Kanan is blinded by Maul, there is a deep grief in Prinze Jr.'s performance. The audience feels Kanan's struggles and pain, making him quite the standout for the series.
6. Sumalee Montano

Agent Tierny arrived in the final episode of Star Wars Resistance Season 1 and immediately became the most terrifying villain of the show. Soft-spoken and friendly, she put on a masterclass on how real-world radicalization works. She targeted a person with deep emotional hurt, feeling betrayed by those around them, and Tierny converted them into the First Order with no problem. Resistance is Andor for kids, and Tierny fits right in with any of the ISB baddies in that show. None of this is possible without Sumalee Montano's scarily powerful performance.
7. Nazneen Contractor

Star Wars Resistance was surprisingly hard to pick just a few choices from because the voice cast comprises the best voice actors in the business. Jim Rash almost made this list! However, Nazneen Contractor's performance as Synara San throughout the show stands out. As a pirate turned Resistance fighter, Synara's character arc is one of the best in Star Wars animation. She's often caught between the worlds of the pirates that raised her and finding a new life on the Colossus, which she chooses for herself. Menacing to commanding to a softer side, Contractor's performance is one to remember.
8. Dee Bradley Baker

Come on. You knew Dee Bradley Baker had to be somewhere on this list! There were plenty of roles to pick from too. From Captain Rex to the Jedi Youngling Nubs, Baker has played a role in every show in the last ten years. It was hard to pick just one, but by far, his best work is Crosshair in The Bad Batch. Crosshair is the best-written character on the show. Baker's performance as the bitter and jaded clone brings that writing to life. While all of his clones have such a unique performance thanks to Baker's talent, Crosshair is the magnum opus of his time voicing these men.
9. Michelle Ang

The Bad Batch isn't what it is without Omega and Michelle Ang's performance. Alongside Dee Bradley Baker, she is the heart of this series. I love watching early episodes of the show followed up with a late Season 3 episode. There is such a clear change in Omega, something that is brought out in Ang's performance. The light inside of her is still there, but a maturity and leadership tone shine through. Omega's journey is one of the best in Star Wars animation.
10. Haley Joel Osment

Sorry, Nubs Nation. The best character in Young Jedi Adventures is the capitalism loving bird man.
Raxlo is a fun villain and has a surprising character arc over the course of this delightful preschool series. Haley Joel Osment is clearly having a blast with him. It feels like a nice mix of Sora in the Kingdom Hearts franchise and his use of comedic chops from shows like What We Do In The Shadows. Raxlo will drop the driest humor at these Jedi kids who ruin his plans. In every episode in which he appears, Rexlo endears himself to the heroes and the audience.
11. Christopher Sean

This is probably the most self-indulgent pick on this list. As a die-hard Star Wars Resistance fan, I was over the moon to see Christopher Sean return to the franchise in Star Wars: Visions. The Season 1 episode "The Village Bride" is a fan-favorite, and it was the series Emmy nomination. Sean's performance as Asu balances humor with harrowing moments. In an interview with Star Wars Explained, Sean said this was the kind of role he wanted to do his entire life, and the passion shows.
12. Eva Whittaker

Star Wars: Visions' "Screecher's Reach" rewired my brain in how I thought about Star Wars and a big reason for that is thanks to Eva Whittaker's performance as Daal. Here is a girl following all the tropes of Luke Skywalker, only to discover that the path is one of darkness. The painful hope in Daal's voice in the short's final moments leaves a devastating impression on the viewer. It's not a happy ending, and Whittaker sells every second Daal's on the screen.
13. Corey Burton

Corey Burton is a longtime Lucasfilm voice actor. While fans watched him portray Count Dooku in The Clone Wars, he brought something new to the character in Tales of the Jedi. Dooku's fall from the light side has a wide range. He's angry. He's hurt. He's soft teaching Qui-Gon Jinn. He mourns his padawan's demise. It's never over the top, a truly measured performance without ever being stale. Burton was always good as Dooku in The Clone Wars. He was stellar in Tales of the Jedi.
14. Meredith Salenger

Like Burton, Meredith Salenger's return to her Clone Wars-era character was worth the near-decade wait. The youthful Barriss Offee watching Order 66 from afar is jarring, her confusion palpable. While training to be an Inquisitor, the anger and rage comes out in the performance. However, Salenger never loses Barriss' softness, whether it's calming a child, a rogue Jedi, or her once Inquisitor companion. By far, the best performance is in "The Way Out," with an older Barriss who is weary from the war but still carrying her kindness every moment. Salenger's performance left us wanting more.
15. Matthew Wood

Sliding into two non-canon entries that came out in the last decade, Matthew Wood in LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures is a delight. Sure, he's played the B-1 Battle Droids since their introduction, and their cheesy one-liners in The Clone Wars are memorable. But the depth of R0-GR's character is what sets him apart. He's not just one note like other B-1s. He is a fully fleshed-out character who loves his family, fighting alongside them against the Empire. Matthew Wood shines in the role.
16. Bobby Moynihan

The most recent entry in Star Wars Animation is LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy. Well-reviewed and already loved by fans, a big part of its success is Bobby Moynihan's performance as Jedi Bob. Bob is a phenomenal new Jedi. He's fully aware of his shortcomings, both as a Jedi and a teacher. Still, he doesn't let that stop him, truly trying his best to help his new student Sig as they try to save the galaxy. Moynihan's comedy chops shine through. While it's not his first role in Star Wars (and I will always adore you, Orka), Jedi Bob is one of Moynihan's best.