The upcoming Han Solo film has its composer

John Powell tasked to write the musical score for Han Solo… 

With the disappointment of having virtually no presence at D23, The Han Solo film continues its trend of encouraging news. First was the release of on set photos of Donald Glover, who will be portraying Lando Calrissian, followed by director Ron Howard posting some nifty hyperspace pics on his social media accounts.

The good news train continues to keep rolling, with the announcement of John Powell as the musical composer for Han Solo, according to

Known for scoring hits such as The Bourne films, Shrek, How to Train Your Dragon, and Kung Fu Panda, Powell will now have a Star Wars film to add to his elite resume. Since the beginning, John Williams had been the exclusive source of Star Wars music for all of the films.

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That trend ended, with Michael Giacchino providing the composition for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Williams continues to provide the euphony for the Star Wars saga films, but the stand alone features appear to be going a different route.

I’ll be honest, I had not heard of Powell until today, but I do recall the music from the Bourne series being superb.

With Bourne being an action packed franchise with a lot of fast paced scenes, it provides me with a lot of confidence for the upcoming Solo film since I anticipate a lot of action to take place.

Powell has yet to comment on the news, but I can imagine he is rather pleased to be joining the short list of musical composers for Star Wars.

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The untitled Han Solo film is projected to release May 25th, 2017.