Solo: A Star Wars Story will boldly go where no Star Wars film has gone before


Solo: A Star Wars Story will go where no Star Wars has gone before, well kind of.

After already watching the Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer about a million-billion times, I noticed something that has never been said before in the history of Star Wars.

“I have a good feeling about this.” Or in this case. “I’ve got a REALLY good feeling about this.” 

Yes, you heard that correctly. Not a “bad feeling about this,” but a “good” one. The new phrase sums up perfectly the feeling from watching the Solo trailer, with our initial impressions ones of promise and hope. Anyways, back to the phrase itself.

When Han Solo is flying the Millenium Falcon and proclaims the statement, it knocked me off my feet. I was blown away and in proper fashion.

Now, to some people, that may not seem like much, but with everything, Ron Howard’s tasked to do keeping the film up to Disney standards — squeezing in a line like that is impressive, most impressive. With reshooting the entire movie, having the balls to go against everything that’s been said thus far, the Force is clearly with Ron Howard.

More from Dork Side of the Force

Throughout the history of Star Wars from the original trilogy to the animated The Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network, every single movie and episode on tv (at one point) has included the line “I have a bad feeling about this” peppered in. Yet, here we are with the bold Ron Howard delivering the exact opposite to the fans.

He’s not afraid to mix things up and provide his unique take on the feel of Star Wars. It makes me wonder though; will he creatively include “I have a bad feeling about this,” as Gareth Edwards did in Rogue One; or the subtle way that Rian Johnson did in The Last Jedi? 

Honestly, I hope he sticks with the “good” feeling vibes and leaves the “bad” ones out of Solo. 

After the “firing” of the previous directors Lord and Miller, it’s a bad idea to disagree with Disney/Lucasfilm, or you’ll be sent packing your bags rather quickly. Ron Howard ‘s stepped in to save the day and seems to be unafraid of creating a unique vibe.

With what little time he had to accomplish, Solo: A Star Wars Story appears to be a great feat and may go down in Star Wars history among one of the best within a galaxy far, far away.

Next: Who says I have a bad feeling about this in The Last Jedi?

What are some of your initial impressions of this new trailer? Here is a link to our initial response and also some Twitter reactions here! Don’t forget to head on over to our Facebook and Twitter handle to like and follow us for more breaking news, analysis, and responses to the latest videos and social media posts!

Solo A Star Wars Story debuts May 25, 2018, worldwide.