Solo: A Star Wars Story’s Alden Ehrenreich reveals return as Han Solo in future Star Wars content

Solo: A Star Wars Story’s Alden Ehrenreich slips, “accidentally “revealing that he’s returning as Han Solo in future Star Wars content.

Harrison Ford and Han Solo go together like peas and carrots, so it’s still strange that someone else will be donning the DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, but the show must go on. After two teasers, a full-length theatrical trailer, and multiple TV spots for Solo: A Star Wars Story, I’m sold on Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo.

Even if I wasn’t, I better get used to him as Han Solo for years to come.

Alden Ehrenreich revealed in a recent interview with Esquire that Solo: A Star Story is the first of a few appearances for him as Han Solo in Star Wars content. He was asked by Alex Pappademas how many Star Wars films as Han Solo he signed up for, then Alden Ehrenreich responds with:

"Three,” he says, then flinches, understanding he may have just created a disturbance in the Force. “I don’t know if that’s officially, uh, public. But—yeah."

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Who knows if this was a rookie mistake by Alden Ehrenreich or if it was an intentional slip, but we now know that he’ll return as Han Solo in (at least) two more Star Wars projects.

Felicity Jones also signed on for one additional film after Rogue One, but her character is now one with the Force, and that may have been a ploy to keep Jyn Erso’s death a secret.

Han Solo is an entirely different character, and it makes sense for him to be around in the Star Wars timeline if Lucasfilm decides to tell more stories of his era. Who knows, if Ron Howard hits Solo: A Star Wars Story out of the park, they add a few more Han Solo adventures.

Or, Han Solo could appear in an upcoming Lando Calrissian film or TV — we can hope, right? More Childish Landino, the better.

I also say, bring on more Alden Ehrenreich and bring on more Han Solo.

Next: Solo character descriptions reveal interesting details

Solo A Star Wars Story debuts May 25, 2018, worldwide.

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