This article contains spoilers for The Bad Batch Season 3, episodes 10 and 11, "Identity Crisis" and "Point of No Return."
As early reviews for this week's double episodes of The Bad Batch started to roll out in the last few days online, it was clear that episodes 10 and 11 of Season 3, "Identity Crisis" and "Point of No Return," would be big. Together, it felt like the final pieces to slide the series' last outings into place. There are only four episodes left, and both episodes needed to do very specific things.
For "Identity Crisis," it's about time we dig into Emerie's story. I wish this had started a little earlier in Season 2, giving her more time in Season 3 to breathe. Emerie feels like a character primed to have her backstory revealed in a novel by Delilah S. Dawson or something (which I would read because Delilah would serve in this novel). It would be a shame if she didn't make it out of the final four episodes. She's a fascinating character, but we're getting this context incredibly late in the series.
Her conversation with Nala Se was perfectly written. Every exchange of dialogue held weight, insinuating that Emerie was probably the first attempt at creating Omega. There was a real pain in Emerie being discarded by the woman who made her. Perhaps this is how she fell into the hands of Doctor Hemlock (Check out Star Wars Explained on this point. They do a great job deep-diving more on this theory). This episode was needed for Emerie, who was the last piece of the puzzle to come together.
And Hemlock continues to be the worst in the best way possible. The reveal of the children with high M-counts and how he refers to them is chilling. Using Force-sensitive kids almost felt repetitive after the same story has been told in The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and The Mandalorian. But "Identity Crisis" found a new way to tell the same story by putting us in Emerie's shoes, realizing that she more than likely was raised similarly to these kids. It also showcases a flaw of the Empire. Of course, they have to use children. They killed off all the adult Jedi, so there aren't other options.
I always adore scenes of Imperials being petty. Tarkin and Hemlock being little snots, snarking at each other gives me such joy. Also, that call was a very Tarkin thing to do. We know in later media like Rogue One he really wants to be in charge of all of these big things, and clearly doesn't like not knowing what Hemlock is up to. The way I ugly laughed Tarkin's soured face when Hemlock told him the information was classified. I love watching these losers fight among themselves, knowing the comeuppance that's coming for them.

Moving on to "Point of No Return," it was an excellently executed "move everyone into position for the finale" episode.
Essentially this episode was a lot of setup while getting some wonderful character payoff. It truly displayed how much Omega has grown up. She has all the skills from her brothers' training. After meeting Gungi and Asajj Ventress, she knows how to center herself and stay in control. This drastically differs from earlier seasons when she would panic at being captured. Omega has come into her own, becoming an equal to her brothers.
The rest of the episode is chilling. It was inevitable that the Empire would come to Pabu. Watching the invasion unfold step by step, from destroying the Marauder, taking out the island's boats, threatening Shep, the mayor, and rounding up the locals, was methodical and well-paced. The audience feels the same pressure the Batch does as the enemy closes in. One by one, they fall until only Omega and Crosshair are left. The groundwork the early Season 3 episodes carried in building their relationship was vital for this moment. Omega is calling the shot, putting her full faith in Crosshair. It's earned trust between the two of them.
Everything is set up for the rest of the season. Phee Genoa will likely join them out of guilt and retribution, as Pabu is a home to her. Maybe Cid will also come out to aid them, though that's unlikely at this point. Omega will more than likely team up with Emerie once they are reunited. With the Marauder destroyed, the Batch will need a ride, bringing Echo and Rex back into the mix. All the pieces are falling into place.
Except for the Chekhov's goggles, because there is so much foreshadowing that CX-2 is a clone we know. This is frustrating storytelling if it's not Tech, another clone we know, or if it's not revealed who that is at all before the show ends.
Finally, Hunter is going to be soooooooooo mad at Crosshair next week.
Also, Crosshair is going to be sooooooooooo mad at himself next week.
Can't wait to see it.