Andor's second trailer is everything the first one lacked

Star Wars just released a second official trailer for Andor Season 2, and this one really hits the spot.
Star Wars: Andor final poster for Season 2 featuring the full cast. Image Credit:
Star Wars: Andor final poster for Season 2 featuring the full cast. Image Credit:

Now we're talking!

Star Wars just released another official trailer for Andor Season 2, and I'm pleased to say this one gets everything right. The imposing new trailer hits the right notes, and I love several things about it.

Here are 6 things I love about the new Andor Season 2 trailer

1. The much needed serious tone

I wasn't feeling the first trailer which emphasized the action sequences and visuals over the emotional elements this season. This latest trailer corrected that and delivered everything the first one didn't. There is palpable tension in every shot of the trailer, and every character is fighting their own battles. Regardless of the side they're on, these characters will suffer and pay the price of revolution.

2. The revealing dialogues

Several key dialogues reveal what these characters all believe in. Cassian wants to be a part of something special but can't let the Empire win. Cassian and Luthen discuss something that's "going up in flames," which could be anything, but I like the foreshadowing of Cassian and Jyn's fate in Rogue One. They'll burn, like all things, very brightly.

Bix and Brasso are shown laughing and smiling on an unknown planet that looks a bit like Lothal. Bix wants to know that her sacrifices will be worth it. She wants to win. Mon Mothma fears the evil, fascist monster, and there are warnings that the Empire is building a weapon.

These dialogues are short, but they reveal so much about the plot and the characters' psyche, and that's the best way to pull audiences in.

3. References to the Death Star

The Death Star looms large over everything, literally. We see it, we hear about it, and there are multiple shots of the arrogant and charming Director Krennic, who was instrumental in its creation. There's no question, the Death Star will be an important part of Season 2, adding layers to what we know about its creation.

4. Doesn't give too much away

The new trailer gives just enough away without giving away too much. We know every character's motivation for doing what they're doing, which side they're on, and what's at stake. However, many crucial scenes are being kept under wraps, and key locations such as Yavin are being saved for the series. This means we're in for a few surprises as well!

5. The feeling of impending doom

The latest trailer leaves no room to breathe and the one constant is the feeling of impending doom. Not only are the stakes high because we know how it ends for Cassian, but every character's life, reputation, and dreams are all on the line. They'll have to sacrifice everything, but it won't end well for most of them.

From the grim look on Luthen's face, the single tear running down Kleya's cheek, and the tenuous happiness Bix, Brasso, and their friends are getting to experience, there are signs everywhere that these people will lose more than they're prepared to.

6. Are they teasing a certain Sith Lord?

Does someone find Deedra's lack of faith a little disturbing? Deedra appears to be Force-choked in a shot of her from the new trailer. She looks scared as she tries to loosen her collar, so I think she might be suffocating.

While she might be having a panic attack, a rivalry between Deedra and Orson Krennic has been teased by Ben Mendelsohn, so it would be pretty cool if Darth Vader Force-choked Deedra in Andor and as a prelude to the epic "Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director," from Rogue One.

Andor Season 2 streams April 22 on Disney+.