Star Wars Books

Star Wars Release Day: Dark Disciple by Christie Golden

Elaine Tveit

Original Trilogy Films to be Re-Adapted into YA Book Series

Star Wars: Possible Release Dates for Post-Force Awakens Books

A First Look at Star Wars: Journey to the Force Awakens Book – Ships of the Galaxy

Del Rey To Release Star Wars: The Rise of the Empire Bindup

Elaine Tveit

Ultimate Star Wars by Ryder Windham, Adam Bray, Daniel Wallace, & Tricia Barr

Elaine Tveit

Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemp

Elaine Tveit

Dystopian Author Pierce Brown To Write A Star Wars Novel…?

Elaine Tveit

An LGBT Character in Star Wars Canon: Moff Mors, a Review

David Harris (Razor)

Star Wars: Christie Golden’s Dark Disciple gets a synopsis

David Harris (Razor)

‘Star Wars: Aftermath’ Novel Will Explore Post-‘ROTJ’ Universe

Kyle Warnke

“William Shakespeare’s The Clone Army Attacketh” Cover Revealed

Elaine Tveit

The Force Awakens Hints Promised in Upcoming Junior Novels’ Descriptions

Elaine Tveit

Fans Enjoy Early Listen of “Tarkin” Audiobook Release

Daniel Berry

“A New Dawn” in Star Wars Storytelling Arrives

Daniel Berry

“A Certain Point Of View” – Why Star Wars EU Should Not Be Canon

Daniel Allinson

Del Rey’s Asajj Ventress Novel Synopsis Revealed

Daniel Allinson

Star Wars Insider 151: One Thousand Levels Down – Review

Daniel Allinson

Star Wars Rebels : The Visual Guide – Review

Daniel Allinson

George Lucas Confirms Boba Fett Survived

Daniel Berry