Solo: A Star Wars Story advanced ticket sales already smashing Box office records

Advanced ticket sales for Solo: A Star Wars Story already are breaking Box office records — are you that surprised in the fandom’s interest in Han Solo?

That hyperspace “tracking system” was spot on, when predicting that opening weekend sales for Solo: A Star Wars Story would be through the roof. A movie that “no one” wanted to see is already breaking necks like Wookiees and taking names — and plenty of cash, too.

According to Deadline, pre-sale tickets for Solo: A Star Wars Story have passed that of Black Panther ($178 million opening weekend) and are second to only Marvel’s Infinity War (over $ 200 million opening weekend) for 2018.

Kathleen Kennedy already showed her respect to the Marvel peeps, recognizing their exceptional achievements at the Box office, thus far. It’s highly unlikely that Solo: A Star Wars Story, or any 2018 film (perhaps beyond) will catch Infinity War, but these early sales are a great sign for the movie and franchise moving forward.

Those who thought that Star Wars: The Last Jedi killed the franchise are dead wrong, with a galaxy far, far away alive and well, in spite of its internal civil war.

According to a poll done by Fandango:

"85 percent report that Solo is one of their favorite Star Wars characters, 76% can’t wait to see Ehrenreich as Solo, and 73% are particularly excited to see Donald Glover as young Lando Calrissian."

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Interest for Han Solo and Lando Calrissian are at an all-time high, with the recent full-length cinematic trailer no doubt convincing the fandom that Ron Howard indeed flew the Falcon to safety after the mess that Lord and Miller made with the film.

The casting of Alden Ehrenreich and Donald Glover for the film was no doubt the right choice, with these early sales displaying initial approval of and faith in the upcoming movie by the Star Wars community.

Next: Why it's so great being a Star Wars fan!

Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theatres (punch it, Chewie!) May 25, 2018, worldwide.

Buy tickets your for Solo here, adding to these record-breaking sales yourself.