The Bad Batch Season 3, episode 14 review: Flash Strike

The penultimate episode of the series did not disappoint!
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 episode 12 "Juggernaut." Omega, Royce Hemlock, Emerie Karr. Image Credit:
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 episode 12 "Juggernaut." Omega, Royce Hemlock, Emerie Karr. Image Credit:

This review has spoilers for The Bad Batch Season 3, episode 14, "Flash Strike."

Boy, I can't wait to see that Zillo Beast eat Doctor Hemlock. I want it so ding dang bad!

The return of the Zillo Beast in "Flash Strike" truly captured what Season 3 of The Bad Batch has done so well in this final outing. Tying together the Season 1 and 2 storylines has been so expertly done. It's a joy to see these threads weave together to finally complete the tapestry of this show. As the final threads get tied off next week, I must say that I truly have enjoyed the ride.

"Flash Strike" upped the stakes in so many ways but also showcased each character's story arc. Crosshair trying to get through to Rampart was a great culmination of his arc. Omega showed him how to open his heart, even to those he doesn't like. We'll have to see if that act of kindness worked on Rampart (I really doubt it did, though).

Speaking of Omega, she's taking charge of the Force sensitive kids. One of the best ways to see how a character has grown is by watching them pass their knowledge to someone else. She's teaching them how to cover for her, skills given to her from the Batch. She's truly grown so much, and it's been a great journey.

Also, I have missed Echo all season. The last two episodes have shown how capable he is, pulling off the most dangerous parts on his own. He's the most well-rounded of the Batch. As the only regular clone in the group, it makes sense for him to be the one who confronts Emerie. It's other regular clones who are being experimented on. Echo was also experimented on before he was discovered in Season 7 of The Clone Wars. This is personal for him. He might not have had much to do in Season 3, but it means something when Echo is here.

I really hope that the finale episode is an extra long one. There's no way they're wrapping up all these storylines in half an hour. It's going to be a bittersweet spectacle to close out The Bad Batch.

This show has been such a joy. It hasn't always been perfect (like we'll probably never know who CX-2 is at this point), but when The Bad Batch hits right, it hits hard. It's become a vital thread in the canon, connecting the prequels to the sequel trilogy through the original trilogy that cannot be ignored.