Skeleton Crew: How the truth about At Attin could impact our young adventurers

Skeleton Crew's narrative is rooted in the experiences and perspectives of its young protagonists. However, as they learn more about the galaxy and their home planet's history, their world will quickly turn upside down.
(L-R) Wim (Ravi-Cabot Conyers), Fern (Ryan Kiera Armstrong), Neel (Robert Timothy Smith), KB (Kyriana Kratter), and Jod (Jude Law)in Lucasfilm’s STAR WARS: SKELETON CREW, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Matt Kennedy. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
(L-R) Wim (Ravi-Cabot Conyers), Fern (Ryan Kiera Armstrong), Neel (Robert Timothy Smith), KB (Kyriana Kratter), and Jod (Jude Law)in Lucasfilm’s STAR WARS: SKELETON CREW, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Matt Kennedy. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. | The Walt Disney Company Getty Images

Ignorance may be bliss, but for our young heroes in Skeleton Crew, that blissful ignorance is on borrowed time.

Everyone on At Attin seems oblivious to the galaxy's history, which includes more recent history. Although Skeleton Crew is set during the New Republic timeline, which takes place approximately 5 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, the kids are clueless about what happened to Alderaan. It's no coincidence; Alderaan is only the tip of the iceberg. There's much more the people of At Attin are clueless about.

So far, it appears the obliviousness extends to most adults and goes back several generations. Perhaps all citizens of At Attin are kept in the dark for their own good or that of their planet. However, as the kids have escaped their world and won't be home again for a while, there's no way to stop them from learning the truth. They will discover much more than their parents could have bargained for, and the truth will lead the four kids to question everything.

Wim, Neel, KB, and Fern will probably go through a range of emotions when they discover how sheltered their upbringing has been and how little they know about reality outside At Attin. They may even feel betrayed that every adult kept them in the dark about their planet's history and the galaxy's turmoil. This will make them curious to discover people and worlds outside what they know, and the desire to learn more and unravel the truth may shape the people they become when they're older.

But as the problems in the galaxy, including the struggle between good and evil, are laid bare, they'll undoubtedly experience fear and anxiety and wonder about their futures. How they take the truth depends on their personalities, which are vastly different. They'll all process what's to come differently. We can't blame them if they want to go home because the galactic adventure doesn't seem so cool anymore or if they never want to return to a place so cut off from reality.

Depending on how the truth is revealed and who reveals it, it will shape them as people, and shape how they see the people around them. As the only adult accompanying them is Jod Na Nawood, aka Crimson Jack, he may not know how to handle such a sensitive matter. Jude Law revealed that Jod doesn't understand innocence, because he never got to experience it. His childhood was spent in a fight for survival, and he doesn't know how to deal with kids and their complex emotions and reactions.

When the truth about their planet finally comes to light, the kids' world will be turned upside down, and nothing will ever be the same.

Skeleton Crew is streaming on Disney+.